Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Persepolis 73-134

In Persepolis, the war has just started and it's already causing chaos in the population. The protest demonstrations soon got out of hand when things got physical. Men were beating protesters with bats over fundamentalism. Even though Marjane and her parents took a vacation from the madness of Iran to Spain, things worsened. Ever since the U.S. embassy was occupied, the country has lost control. Women were fighting over simple groceries, gas shortages made it impossible to even take a simple drive to a restaurant for dinner, and now they have involved the kids in the war. The boys were brainwashed by the government with the keys they recieved. As Shabab said, they were "convinced that the afterlife is even better than disneyland ." But the image on page 102 doesn't look the part. How do you think the war has affected Iran's society?

Can we also recognize how awesome Marjane's dad is in this panel:


  1. I believe the war has completely changed the society. Its hard to see how Iran was before, since the book starts in the middle of a revolution, but I believe the war made the people colder. Many children lost their innocence and all the pre-war luxuries were no longer available. Marjane definitely changes with the war, because in the beginning she has a sort of child like innocence. As the book progresses we see that she has now lost her faith, along with that innocence.

  2. The war has caused many kids to lose their innocence. Little boys of the age of 14 have to go to war, girls have to cover their hair, everything is different. So many people are dying for almost no reason. I agree with Dakota, as the books goes on, we see Marjane going from having faith in God and wanting to be a prophet to losing the faith and even saying in one of the chapters "it was just religion class". As she experiences people being injured by the war and gains knowledge on it, she looses her innocence.

  3. Marji does ultimately lose her innocence and she sees death as a regular thing now. She becomes more mature as she is exposed to violence. Marji also looks older in the pictures as the novel progresses. The war causes such a drastic change and everything is just in chaos. Marji drifts further and further from God.

  4. War usually has a negative effect on the area around where it is taking place. The war caused people to lose their homes, identity and made living depressing. Kids had lost their freedom and innocence, and kids like Marji also started to rebel. They become indifferent to things that were once important to them. For example with the war going on, Marji has lost her faith in God. Adults have also lost their freedom to an extent. They had to be careful if they hosted social gatherings and were always in fear of being arrested. Overall, there was a major downfall in society and in their lives as well.

  5. The war has greatly impacted not only the children of the society, but also their parents as well. Everyone has lost their freedom and hope. Marjane started to lose her faith in God. Women were forced to wear a veil and children started rebelling and were hypnotized to believe in war. Boys were sent to war and even the rich were going through hard times. For example, Marjane's father went from building steel factories, to taking care of the gas in Tehran's buildings. Everyone was negatively impacted by the war.

  6. Iran's society in this time was being bombarded with propaganda. There was such an overwhelming amount of information that everyone had such mixed thoughts and opinions. This led to fights and violence over what was thought to be right and wrong. During the war, laws become much more strict, especially for women. It seemed that women had no right to a personality.

  7. The war has had a negative impact on Iran's society. As you mentioned, people were fighting over groceries and there was gas shortages that mad many angry. The war has had a specially large impact on the children in society. Children were being exposed to very gruesome sights that is hard to see at any age, but especially at such a young age. Children were being taught to believe certain things in school and going against that would get you in trouble. I think that war created a lot of fear in Iran's society. People were scared of getting caught doing something they were not supposed to be doing. For example, Marjane's parents had to make sure that they did not get caught having a party because that was no longer allowed. War caused a lot of confusion and fear for the Iranian population.

  8. The war itself has completely changed the way Marjane has been thinking her whole life. What innocence she has left is switched into allowing herself to get absorbed into going against the ways of the Shah. In a way, we can say she is being brainwashed as the war takes its toll in Iran. As a child, she has a very delicate mind and it is often hard, if not impossible to get her to think for herself and in a rational and meaningful way.

  9. The war in Iran has showed the true colors of the Iranian government. They are willing to sacrifice innocent children for their own personal cause. Being exposed to this inevitably changes Marjanes perspective on what she calls home. However this becomes a negative view on her home and she begins to rebel in her own little ways. But the war itself has cause turmoil and paranoia in many of the Iranian citizens.

  10. Fundamentalism completely took over Iran during the Islamic Revolution, changing everyones perspectives and way we should live life. This was easy for some people to accept, but hard for others. Marjane and her family didn't like the changes the country was going through but still had to change the way they lived.

  11. The war took affected every day life, it was full on war against any aspect of western thought. Furthermore, the government was hijacked if you will by the radical Islamic thinkers. Thus Islamic tenets dominated the law creating civil unrest amongst more traditional and more liberal citizens. The other major issue was the way the government dealt with economic inequality. Currency and the idea of central banking was dominated by the west so in order to destroy the idea the government instituted more socialist policies. Ultimately this culminated in little to no social mobility in terms of a citizens socioeconomic status.
