Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The House On Mango Street

The House On Mango Street is a book written through the perspective of a little girl. Her family is not very well off, but they dream to someday be in a gorgeous house. They move from Loomis, a building where the landlord refused to fix broken water pipes, however The House On Mango Street is not a big upgrade. It is located in a bad neighborhood and is very small. Esperanza is aware of her circumstances and at times is ashamed of them. As the story goes on we get to see many scenarios from the standpoint of a little girl in the ghetto. She gives brief descriptions of the people around her. However, when it comes to describing herself we find out that she does not want to be confined to a boring life in the house, like the grandmother whom she is named after. The book is interesting and the excerpts being short make them easy to read, while simultaneously have the reader wanting more.


  1. I agree that the writing style of the book makes it easier to read. These vignettes help portray who the narrator is: a pre-teen. She bounces around from talking about the house, to her hair, her name, and even shoes. One of the main themes seen is identity and how she sees herself. She doesn't like who she is: her hair is "lazy", her name is too long and her best friend is her little sister. Moving to the states has made her realize whatever kinks she thinks she has. The lifestyle from PR is a lot different from the states and she just has to grow comfortable with herself and realize nothing is wrong with; she just has to be who she is, Esperanza.

  2. The style of writing is very childish and innocent. The story-line and actual problems of the story are adult like topping. its almost interesting to see the child's take on the world and her life. This is shown through the way she "hops" around from subject to subject. A childs mind has a reputation for being very random and being very curious.So it is very intelligent that the book is written in the same way. Sense of self-esteem and identity is shown when she starts critiquing herself. For an example her hair, her name, and her looks. Even though she is very young, she is well aware of herself, her surroundings and is articulate about what she wants. Clearly she has been influenced by the American dream and is not satisfied with her current situation.
